Friday, April 17, 2009

Lets Start The Green Life

The sound of Beware of Global Warming has been screamed out loud these last years, but the real act to stop the global warming has not been optimized, I think.

Some days ago my friend said that she just watch the video in You Tube and told me that there are some people saying that human are not responsible for global warming. It really makes me wondering on how could they said that. So who will take the responsible?

I think we all now that we, human being, are the most mindful creature in the world. We're the one who build that building above the forest land, who dig that mines, who drop the litter and chemical poison in the sea.

Even now, we already can see the bad effects of global warming. The floods, fire in forests, there are many people died already.

I think it's about the time we start the green life. Because we only have one home like Earth. Read More...