Some days ago i received email from Greenpeace. I know I’ve signed up to be a member of Greenpeace website, but since Im not an active member, I’ve forgotten my username and password to enter into my account in that website. I do feel guilty, truly, but I still can receive some routine emails from them, and I usually forward it to some of my friends.
Here is the technique I use to make recycled paper
First, I cut some unused paper become small parts. The smaller it is, the easier it to shattered and blend. Then I put the shattered paper in a bucket of water for some days, usually I left it for two days. After two days, I just blend it in a blender – I’ve broken one of my mother’s blender to make this paper. The paper become a pulp in blender. Then I cast it using a strainer and spread it in the sun to dry. Usually I use these papers to make a birthday card, photo frame, or gift box.
There also some other ways we can do to keep this planet green.
Reduce the use of plastic bag
Plastic is an undissolvable elements that has been accumulate in our land for years. It can close the water way and create floods. Use the recycleable paper bag instead, or reuse the plastic bag. Bring your own paper bag or plastic bag when you go to the market.
Reduce the use of gasoline
Crude oil below our land has been mined for centuries. We should start to use it wisely from now. If you’d like to go to a near place, please, choose to take a walk. Not only you reduce the emission that released by your motorbike that creat a greenhouse effect, take a walk is good for your health also. Sometimes I think, it will be much better when the invention of solar cell can be more developed. Imagine you ride a comfortable car using a solar cell instead of gasoline.
Switch off your lamp
In the morning, or noon, when the weather is bright, and the sun is shining, switch off your lamp. And also other stuff in your house that you don’t use. Open wide the window to get some fresh air instead using a fan or AC. Switch off television that you don’t watch.
Plant some greens
There is nothing better than when you open your window in the morning, you can see the color of beautiful flower in your garden. Looking at the green out there, will make your mind relax. Smelling the sweet of flowers will make you more happy and reduce your stress. Trees also can shield your house from air pollution. Plant some fruit trees is even better. You can get your own mangoes, apples, or orange from your garden.
You see, there are many easy ways we can do for Mother Earth. I know that it’s not a big contribution, but I’ll do what I can do. And if we all do, we can save it before it’s too late.
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